This work package involves the development of computer-intensive algorithms, including a study of their mathematical and statistical properties.
WP6.1: Digital grey-value stereology
WP6.2: Shape reconstruction from tensors
WP6.3: Reconstruction and segmentation of 3D images
WP6.4: Algorithms for single particle cryo-electron microscopy
In the second funding period of CSGB, we study as new projects (a) estimation of Minkowski tensors from digital grey-value images and (b) shape reconstruction from finitely many tensors.
In the second funding period of CSGB, we also want to develop new algorithms for tomographic reconstruction and segmentation of 3D data with complex content. The focus will be on situations with non-linear image formation, missing data or very low signal-to-noise ratio. In these situations, the reconstruction may be improved by Bayesian formulations and implementation as variational methods.
The development of algorithms for single-particle cryo-electron microscopy, started in the first funding period, will be continued.