14 – 15 December, 2011, in Koll. G (1532-214), Aarhus University
Luis M.Cruz-Orive
Antithetic isector, computational geometry, Crofton formulae, estimation variance, flower set, geometrical probability, invariator, isotropic Cavalieri, motion invariance, particle, pivotal tessellation, rat brain, stereology, surface area, test line, test plane, test system, uniqueness properties, volume, wedge set, weighted sampling.
1. Classical construction of motion invariant test probes. Crofton formulae. Applications to stereology.
2. Motion invariant test lines in . Invariator construction. Applications to stereology.
3. Case of a convex particle. Surface area in terms of the flower set.
Prior to the seminars, participants may want to have a (very) cursory look at the following papers.
[1] Cruz-Orive, L.M. (2001/02) Stereology: meeting point of integral
geometry, probability, and statistics. In memory of Professor Luis A.Santalo (1911-2001). Special issue (Homenaje a Santalo) ofMathematicae Notae 41, 49-98.
[2] Cruz--Orive LM (2005) A new stereological principle for test lines in 3D. J Microsc 219: 18-28.
[3] Cruz-Orive LM, Ramos-Herrera ML and Artacho-Perula E (2010)Stereology of isolated objects with the invariator. J Microsc 24: 94-110.
[4] Cruz-Orive LM (2011) Flowers and wedges for the stereology of particles. J Microsc 243: 86-102.
[5] Cruz-Orive LM (2011) Uniqueness properties of the invariator, leading to simple computations. Internal Report 1/2011. MATESCO, Universidad de Cantabria. Submitted for publication.